Configuration file: functions

The functions.el file within my org-mode config is simply that. Function definitions take up a lot of space, and in my org-mode config, there are a few that are very verbose. I’ve pulled them all into this file in order to make the remainder more readable.

In here I have a set of functions from Bert Hansen’s org-mode configuration:

Function Purpose
bh/hide-other collapse all trees but the one you are currently working in (<f9> h)
bh/make-org-scratch create a file in /tmp/publish/ (<f9> o)
bh/switch-to-scratch switch to buffer “scratch” (<f9> s)

oh boy, two of those functions don’t belong in my org config.

I also have another function endless/insert-key which is used to insert a keybinding into org files. I have this mapped to C-c k so that I can easily put keybindings into my org files.